Visit Benedictine College

A day visit to our campus in Atchison, Kansas, 是了解本尼迪克特学院的绝佳机会吗. 参观校园是了解一所大学是否适合你的最佳方式之一. A few things you can expect from a campus visit:

Tours of our beautiful campus, including classrooms and residence halls (try our virtual tour for an overview!)

Lunch with current students 在食堂(体验日常校园生活的好方法)

Focused sessions 关于大学搜索的话题,比如经济援助、杰出项目、出国留学等等!

Raven Days

Students walking on campus

Personal Campus Visit


Virtual Campus Tours

A aerial photo of campus

Campus Visit Options

本尼迪克特学院每年提供广泛的访问选择. 我们大多数主要的大学访问活动都在学年期间举行, 让游客进入校园生活的流动, 但全年都可以进行个性化的个人访问. Find the best visit option for your needs!

A student in class

Education Visit Day

October 4, 2024

教育访问日是专门为那些对教育专业感兴趣的人设立的, but if you have a friend interested in another field, they are welcome to come!

Marching Band in red quarter-zips

Band Day

October 19, 2024

Band Day provides prospective students with a “《太阳城官网》的经历!

Students walking on campus

Raven Days

Multiple Dates from September to April


A student in class

Personal Campus Visit

Year-Round Dates Available

A more personalized experience, these visits can be scheduled on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Graduates in cap and gown posing for a photo

Presidential Scholars Weekend

January 31-February 1 and February 7-8, 2025


Students posing for a photo on campus

Admitted Student Experience

Friday April 4, 2025


A student poses for a photo on campus

SOAR Weekend

June 6-7 and June 13-14 (Alumni Weekend), 2025

SOAR (Summer Orientation, 咨询和注册是一个旨在帮助新生更熟悉校园的迎新活动, meet future classmates, and prepare for the transition to college.

Students hanging out on campus

Homeschool Visit Day

October 28, 2024 and March 3, 2025


A student reading on campus

Chesterton Academy Visit Day

September 20, 2024

Just for Chesterton Academy students, 这个参观日提供了一个大学之旅的必需品加上我们的伟大书籍的亮点, Liberal Arts pillar, and thriving faith life.

The Dining Hall with Elizabeth Hall in the background

Virtual Campus Tours

然而,没有什么能比得上在俯瞰密苏里河的悬崖上亲自参观校园, 我们的虚拟之旅是一个快速了解本尼迪克特学院生活亮点的方式!

Transportation to Campus

For students traveling by air: 本尼迪克特学院为学生第一次访问校园提供150美元的机票报销. 坐飞机来参观我们的校园,我们将为你支付高达150美元的机票费用. Complete the Airfare Reimbursement Form 在您的访问日之后,上传您的机票收据以申请报销.

150美元的机票报销只适用于机票,不包括汽油费, lodging, food, 或其他往返校园的杂项费用. 通过积分或其他航空公司奖励计划购买的机票不符合报销条件.

单独旅行的学生(仅限大四学生和转学生): 本尼迪克特学院为没有父母或监护人的学生安排交通工具 5 Guys Transportation. 请提前提供您的详细航班信息,以便我们与5 Guys运输公司协调.

我们强烈建议航班到达和起飞时间在上午8点之间.m. and 8 p.m. 由于到达和离开时间超出了这些时间,为安排交通和过夜住宿带来了挑战. 如果您正在考虑在这些时间之外的航班,请 contact Traci Crowell, Campus Visit Coordinator, 确认可以安排地面交通和过夜住宿.

For students traveling with a parent or guardian: 与父母或监护人一起旅行的未来学生被要求确保自己的交通工具.

Arrival & Parking


Benedictine College is located at 1020 N. 2nd Street, Atchison, Kansas 66002. 一个砖砌的招牌上写着“本尼迪克特学院”,标志着第二街附近校园的入口.

Be aware that a section of Hwy 45 near Weston, Mo. will be closed beginning January 11, 2024. 对于那些从堪萨斯城和其他地区沿29号州际公路向南的人来说,这切断了通往本尼迪克特学院的重要通道. 在您访问之前,通过GPS查看您的校园路线,并相应地修改您的旅行时间.  对于那些受到影响的人,我们预计关闭将增加20分钟或更多的旅行时间.  我们强烈建议您在您的车辆中安装GPS,以防您在旅行途中改道.

The college is constructing a state-of-the-art library限制了通过校园的主要车道上的停车. Visitor parking is available in two locations:

1. Haverty Center Parking Lot

To access the Haverty Center lot: from 2nd Street, 进入主校区入口,观察指示牌,引导您前往主校区外靠近Haverty中心的小地块.

2. Murphy Recreation Center Parking Lot

进入墨菲娱乐中心(Murphy Recreation Center)地块:从第二街开始, 向东拐到丘街,沿着这条路走到山顶.

Please feel free to park in any available space.  A parking pass is not required for your visit.

Overnight Accommodations

View local lodging and accommodation options.

For certain visit days, 大四学生和转学生可以要求在学校住宿一晚,由招生办公室的学生接待人员负责. 我们将尽一切努力满足过夜请求. 我们会在入住时通知您住宿情况, 连同你的过夜主人的姓名和太阳城官网. 我们要求来访的学生自带毯子或睡袋, pillow, towel, and any personal toiletry items.


在参观校园期间,为入学办公室的客人提供的所有餐食都是免费的. 请在报名表上注明饮食限制. 我们的餐饮服务可以满足所有的饮食需求.

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